Stranger Land
temporary site-specific public art project with reflective transfer vinyl; Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership, Kalamazoo, MI 2014 Stranger Land is the result of the artist’s Visiting Fellowship at the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership (ACSJL) at Kalamazoo College in 2014. The work consists of an amalgam of phrases that take over the building’s main interior wall. During her fellowship, the artist worked with a handful of students from Kalamazoo College and Western Michigan University in collecting local stories through interviews, casual conversations, overheard dialogues, shared writings, oral history archives, and news and social media, among others. Words and phrases were then extracted and remixed into a non-linear narrative that appears to be inflowing through the building’s windows. Stranger Land functions as a textual landscape of voices from the many Kalamazoo communities. The work was up through Spring 2016. The artist wishes to thank M’Bwende Anderson, Emily Gadzinski, Tom Howes, Elspeth Inglis and the Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Allison Kennedy, Hannah Knoll, Sarah Lindley, Paul Manstrom, Ayesha Popper, and Patricia Villalobos Echeverría for their invaluable help. The artist is grateful to everyone at the ACSJL, especially Lisa Brock, for this opportunity. Special thanks to those who, knowingly or unknowingly, shared their stories. |